Sunday, June 17, 2007

I know of Love ONCE

I knew of love once… It had been in a short time ago…. Perfect, Patient, Kind and what I thought was true... Timing was only of the essence... At least that was what I only knew... I had acquired everything that I ever wanted in a micro span of moments... I tried it, explored it, and became blinded by nothing... For that was what it was. Nothing... I blame my lust on my Youth... Inexperienced, loyal, giving, and oh but a fool who knew not of LOVE… What it meant to actually love and how it should be reflected… So vividly and so anxiously I asked for it. It was me! Cant seem to point the finger at no one else, but ME! And so I suffered for nothing, I cried for nothing, I longed for nothing. Pity pity pity me who was only set up by ME. And though I weep, I grew, And though I grew, I strengthened, And though I strengthened, I LOVED ME.

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