Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Give me my liberty!

This week I have been impacted by the most rewarding and challenging situations. As I stated in my last note, I am more than a conqueror. For so long, we live in this shell waiting or prolonging who we are as individuals - our very potential lives within us - it is our existence. We are all unique and all so different, but we are in so many ways the same. Its been a long time since I could overcome the eyes that are upon me and I still find that it is a challenge today. I am Lamonte and no one is exactly like me. There is an individual that dwells within me and he is waiting to introduce himself to you, but you have to be willing to except who he is. If you find for some reason that you are not ready to empathize who he is, then do not even bother to speak, look, or disturb me. For this reason, I am grateful that I am able to keep living positively and I am not hindered by all the negative energy that you are throwing into my direction. Who I was yesterday is forever gone. I am living for today, tomorrow, and the future. My past is only a recollection of forgone events that I can no longer change, but can remember. It is from this moment, and my future moments that you must look at, for they are where I once was and shall no longer return. All I can ask of thee, is to give me my liberty that you actually have no control over - you just thought you did. I AM FREE!

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