Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Some Things Never Change!

It has been a long time since I wrote. Laziness is something to overcome and I have not quite mastered that part my life. I apologize to all of my fans out there who have missed out on whats been going on with me. Life has had its ups-and-downs since I last wrote but with each new day we grow stronger, wiser and a new being. Today, I present you to me!

Yesterday, I began yet another semester at WKU. A bittersweet moment as this will be my last semester as a grad. student at Western.. One class to finish and I am looking forward to my graduation day and something a little bit different.

As I walked around campus, I noticed some things never change. You can point out your freshmen students, upperclassmen students, super senior students, and those students who cannot wait to get away from this place. With all the anxiety and high hopes of aspiration, college is still all the same. You have the Student Center full of people trying to encourage students to GO GREEK or GET INVOLVED.. and of course you have to mention the poster sales. What would the first week be like if such things do not exist? I have called college my home for the past 7 years and this year I must say I want to call home somewhere else. I guess my old age is sneeking up on me - finally!

But I look forward to this last semester of mine. I look forward to class discussions. I look forward to job searching. I look forward to all the activities and events I will plan and attend. I look forward to my learning, growth, and development. I look forward to meeting new people. I look forward to starting a new journey. I look forward to life and most of all I look forward to a new ME.

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