Friday, January 04, 2008

I need a moment

It has been an extremely long time since I had the opportunity to sit down, think, and reflect. Once we lose these opportunities apart of us dies and we can no longer recapture those brief and meaningful moments to catch up and see where we are and what we need to do to make ourselves better.

This previous semester has been long and stressful. I cannot say much about my growth but what I can do from here is learn for my past mistakes and use them as a piece to complete my puzzle. Life is hard. No one ever said it would be easy. We, as a people, all go through the same struggles and setbacks. I am so glad to have these moments of adversity but its getting through them which makes us stronger, better, and wiser. It takes a true and genuine person to stand up during this time to admit to self and others – hey I am weak right now and I going through some things. I need a moment. A moment to REFLECT and get myself back on top!

So, for the break I am using this time to tell everyone – I am going through some things and I need this time to REFLECT. Get back at me later!

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