Sunday, August 31, 2008

Childhood Thoughts

I begin this post in a melancholy state.
Searching the seven seas for some peace of mind.
I wonder. I ponder. I meander.
Into periods of time where life was just fine.
Living was easy. Young and naïve.
Happiness could be found at the end of each rainbow.
Streetlights were avoided as the sunsets reminded us of a day’s journey.
Learning. Growing. Changing was inevitable.
We dreamed of the future. So distant.
We imagined love. And how it may look. Or how it may grow.
Did it smell sweet? As it blossoms right before our very eyes.
Life was good, as we knew it. Time stood still.
Yet we took it for granted, as days appeared endless.
Oblivious to what our future would hold and how each day dramatically changed our course.
It’s scary how things change.
How dreams become realities.
And how the person we have become is not an articulated mirror image.
Today I realized life in its fullness.
The dreams of yesterday are still the dreams of tomorrow.
Dreaming is Believing. Becoming. And holding true to those things that make life happy.
Just as they did in our youth.
The future still so distant.
I continue to dream like when I was a child. Young and naïve.
And hopeful to the idea, what shall be will BE.

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